Tuesday 25 March 2014

Project Fit - My Story

Over the past six months I have been trying to get my health and fitness back on track as I had previously gained a lot of weight from Chronic Lumbar Dysfunction (Inflamed Lower Disc) and Scoliosis. I was prescribed a lot of painkillers to deal with the pain but nothing was being done to sort out the actual problem. I had been told by a professional that I had "pulled a muscle" and that it would get better. Nearly 18 months later I was still being prescribed painkillers and the pain wasn't getting any easier. By the August I decided to do something. I started visiting a Chiropractor twice a week. He diagnosed the problem and put together a care plan, my visits to the Chiropractor cut down to once a week, once a fortnight and now I'm going once every eight weeks.

Before at my heaviest 12st 7 : Dress size 14/16
By the October I felt ready to cut out the painkillers all together. The side effects of coming off were horrible, I lost half a stone in the first week. But after that week I felt so much better, I felt fresher like I had so much more energy. I knew that I only had 2 weeks until I saw Russell Brand for the first time and I wanted to look "Fit" (Hence the name Project Fit) I started exercising using the wii fit. I started off with simple exercises such as Yoga and cycling but then as I progressed I moved on to doing 10 minutes of Hula Hooping, 10 Minutes of Running, 10 minutes of Boxing 30 minutes of cycling followed by 90 squats and 100 jack knives.

October 16th 2013: 11st 7 Size 14:
I did a complete over-haul of my diet. I no-longer snacked in the evenings or ate sweets or chocolate. I cut out a lot of the rubbish that I used to eat.

November 27th 2013: 11st 2 - Size 12
I have managed to keep up my routine of eating well and not snacking and I exercise when I can.

February 28th 2014 - 9st 13 Size 8-10

March 25th 2014 - 9st 7lb's Size 8-10
My goal for the next 6 months is to remain fit, healthy and happy.


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